You won’t be charged property report credits when running a Comparables search from scratch, as opposed to running it from a report. This method is especially beneficial if you’re running low on your monthly reports quota.
To evaluate a property please follow these steps:
Click on "Comparables" located on the top of the page:
2. Select the property type you wish to obtain comps for. In this example, we'll go with "Building".
3. After selecting the property type, the site will open a blank comparables search page. Here, begin by filling in the "Subject Property" field with the address of the property you want to evaluate:
4. As you begin typing the address, the "Subject Property" box will give you a list of suggestions; it's important to select the property from this list.
5. After you've selected your subject property, you can specify building classes, as well as increase or reduce the radius. You can also select how far back you want to go with the "Sale date".
6. Once you've specified all the relevant criteria for your search, click the "Search" button to see the results.
For a detailed evaluation of your subject property, open the valuation dashboard, as shown below:
7. Now that you have your Comparables results, you can save the search for later use or export them. Learn how to export comparables.
Please note that pressing the "Save this Search" button will save your only your criteria and not the results.
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