Reports quota
With a free account
You can unlock a property report for free. To access more than that, purchase individual reports or subscribe to one of our monthly or yearly plans.
With a paid subscription
The number of reports users can open every month depends on their subscription. Each subscription – whether monthly or yearly – can access a limited number of reports each month:
- Professional - 175 reports/month
- Elite - 200 reports/month
- Platinum - 250 reports/month
Where can I see how many reports I have left?
In the upper-right corner of the screen, click on your name or the silhouette. Select “My Account” and look for “Subscriptions”. Here, you'll be able to see how many reports are included in your subscription, how many reports you have left, and when your monthly quota is refreshed.
What if I don’t use all of my report credits in one month?
Unused reports from your monthly quota do not roll over to the next month. Your quota resets each month on the start date of your subscription (not on the 1st of the month).
For example, if you subscribed to a Yearly, Platinum, New York subscription on January 20, 2019, you have a new batch of 250 reports available on the 20th of every month.
Reports that are viewed throughout a month reset at the end of the month, if this month you would like to view a report that was also viewed the previous month, a new report quota will be taken from this current month.
What if I need more reports?
Once you run out of reports for the month, you can buy batches of 100 additional reports – either by following the instructions on the site or by calling Customer Support at (718) 715-1758.
Fortunately, additional batches of reports that you purchase do roll over to the next month (and to the next month, and so on), if they are not used within the first month of purchase. However, they do not function without an active subscription. So, if you purchased a batch of 100 additional reports and used 75 of them, but then your subscription expired, you would not be able to use the remaining 25 reports unless you renewed your subscription.
Please note that the additional batches of reports would only be active in the search area of your current subscription.
As an example, if you currently have a New York State subscription active, purchasing additional reports would only allow them to be used within the subscription's area (New York State).
For Nationwide subscriptions, the extra reports will be available to use in all our available states.
Will I receive notice before I reach the limit?
One way to make sure that you know how many reports you've viewed during your subscription months is by checking the Your Name - Reports section. It will display the number as well as addresses of the property reports you have opened during the previous 6 months of access, the current subscription month included.
Also, a warning message will be displayed on top of the report, with the number of remaining reports available for your current subscription month, when you are nearing the moment when the monthly quota limit is reached, more specifically when you've already accessed 80% of your monthly quota.
What is considered a "report view"?
A report view means clicking on an address and gaining access to full information on that property. You can get to the report view by typing in the property address on the Home page, in the Properties Search bar, but also by clicking on the address in a foreclosure list, or comparable sales list on the website or in a downloaded Excel.
Home Page
Opening up the full report, with multiple tabs, as you can see above, counts as a report view. Re-visiting the same address within the same subscription month does not count more than once towards your quota. It is only newly-accessed addresses that will be counted.
Mini-reports opened in the Maps section are not counted.
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