A comparable sales search is often performed by entering the address. However, at times, you may only have a parcel ID, such as when you are researching vacant lots. This type of search is just as easy as searching by address.
To perform a Comparables search for such properties, use the parcel ID (BBL in New York City). You can also use a parcel ID instead of an address if this is the method you prefer. To run the search:
- Select "Comparables" from the menu.
- Select the kind of property for which you want to generate comparables (condo unit, coop unit, building, or land).
Hint: If you're trying to estimate the value of a future development, select the property type that you are planning to develop, not the existing property type.
In this example, we'll do a search with the parcel ID 2-04898-0015, and the system will give you the choice of selecting the Parcel ID as a suggestion. Even if you don't have the first digit of the parcel number (which is usually the borough's prefix), the system will still suggest the results for the property that you're searching for.
3. After you've selected the suggested parcel ID, click "Search" to see the results and the address of the subject property.
4. After this, you can narrow your search with the filter panel on the left.
5. Once you're satisfied with the results, you can export them or save the search.
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